Leadership & Committee Structure

Our Association is led by a group of committed volunteers who serve as Officers, Directors and Chairs of our various committees.  Our leadership is charged with ensuring the stated goals of the Association become reality.  As an Association reliant on volunteers, we are indebted to them for their willingness to lead.  

2024 Leadership


Maria Jablonski, OD President
Jad Osmanski, OD President-elect
Steve Montaquila, OD 1st Vice President
Katy Abarr, OD Immediate Past President
Kirsten Healey, OD Secretary
Steven Santos, OD Treasurer

Board of Directors

Kriti Bhagat, OD
Bryanna Caron, OD 
Jeff DePaolo, OD 
Lori Duquette, OD 
Amy Falk, OD 
Laura Lakin, OD 
Dawn O'Shea, OD


Communications Committee / Press Contact
Paul Zerbinopoulos, OD - 401-272-2110   
Continuing Education Committee
Dawn O'Shea, OD, Chair
Elissa Contillo, OD
Lori Duquette, OD  
Amy Falk, OD
Cassandra Oliveira, OD
Brett Zerbinopoulos, OD 
Member Relations Committee
Kirsten Healey, OD, Chair   
Katy Abarr, OD
Hyder Almosawy, OD
Monserrat Arias, OD
Jeffrey DePaolo, OD
Maria Jablonski, OD 
Victor Paul, OD
Jodi Pukl, OD
State Government Relations
Stephen Montaquila, OD, Chair
Kriti Bhagat, OD **
Maria Jablonski, OD
Bill Freitas, OD **
Brian Kiley, OD
Robert Parks, OD
Earle Scharff, OD **
Paul Zerbinopoulos, OD    
  ** Bill and Regulation review committee member; additional committee members desired.
3rd Party Committee 
Greg Levin, OD, Chair
Matthew Doyle, OD
Stephen Montaquila, OD  
Liane Prytula, OD 
Jad Osmanski, OD
Maria Sampalis, OD

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